FHNO Academics

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FHNO Academics

FHNO is happy to announce FHNO academics. Based on the core curriculum or the FHNO fellowship program we bring you a series of lectures, case presentations, debates, MDTs and journal clubs every Saturday evening at 7 pm.

While the series is designed with the trainee in mind, it offers substantial variety and content to be of interest to the seasoned practitioner as well. We believe that this program would serve to update us on current evidence and keep us abreast of newer developments in the field.

We are thankful to the dynamic members of the FHNO Fellowship Committee and the newly constituted Education Committee – Narayana Subramaniam, Karan Gupta, Aseem Mishra, Smriti Panda, Mitali Dandekar, Harsh Dhar and Sivakumar Thiagarajan who leads the pack- for taking on this onerous responsibility

An earnest request to all members to join us on a Zoom platform every Saturday evening – to learn and to teach, to inspire and to aspire, to share and to acquire. Together we can raise the bar!

Date Programme Format Institution FHNO Education Committee Member
12-03-2022 Case Discussion: Early Oral Cancer Paras Cancer Center Dr.Mitali
19-03-2022 Journal Clubl vidence for END in early oral cancer HCG, Ahmedabad Dr.Dushyant
26-03-2022 Tumour Board Medanta The Medicity,Gurugram Dr.Shiva
02-04-2022 Lecture History and Basic Principles of Head and Neck Surgery B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Assam Dr.Smriti
09-04-2022 Case Discussion Advanced Oral Cancer HCG, Vadodara Dr.Karan
23-04-2022 Journal Club Evidence for SNB Balco Medical Center, Raipur Dr.Narayana
30-04-2022 Tumour Board Vedant Hospital, Thane Dr.Harsh
07-05-2022 Journal Club: Evidence for Adjuvant RT/CRT National Cancer Institute, Nagpur Dr. Aseem
14-05-2022 Lecture Epidemiology, Etiology an Pathology of Head and Nec Cancers Shanku Hospitals, Mahesana Dr.Mitali
21-05-2022 Tumour Board Kasturba Medical College and Hospital, Manipal Dr.Smriti
28-05-2022 Case Discussion Premalignant conditions Dr. B.L KAPUR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Delhi Dr.Shiva
04-06-2022 Case Discussion Early Laryngeal Cancer Medica Superspecialty Hospital, Kolkata Dr.Karan
11-06-2022 Lecture Nutrition Apollo-CBCC Cancer Center, Ahmedabad Dr.Narayana
18-06-2022 Tumour Board Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Miraj Dr. Aseem
25-06-2022 Journal Club Evidence for treatment of Early Laryngeal Cancer ( RT vs TOLM) Zydus Cancer Center, Ahmedabad Dr.Harsh
02-07-2022 Journal Club Evidence for Organ conservation in Laryngeal-hypopharyngeal cancer MVR Cancer Centre & Research Institute Dr.Mitali
09-07-2022 Lecture Biostatistics Basics Neeti clinics Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur Dr.Shiva
16-07-2022 Tumour Board Kokilaben dhirubhai ambani hospital & medical research institute, Mumbai Dr.Karan
23-07-2022 Case Discussion Locally Advanced Laryngea Cancer Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Delhi Dr.Smriti
30-07-2022 Journal Club Role of NACT in Head Nec Cancers Max superspeciality hospital Dr.Narayana
06-08-2022 Case Discussion Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Mazumdar Shaw Medical Centre Dr.Harsh
13-08-2022 Lecture Radiology in Oral Cancers HCG Manavata cancer centre Dr. Aseem
20-08-2022 Tumour Board NM Virani Wockhardt Hospital, Rajkot Dr.Shiva
27-08-2022 Journal Club Evidence for Management of CUP ASTER Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences Dr.Mitali
03-09-2022 Case Discussion –Papillary Ca Thyroid (focussing on basic principles of work up , surgical management and adjuvant treatment ) Max Superspeciality Hospital , Vaishali Dr.Smriti
10-09-2022 Journal Club-Pivotal studies in Work up and Management of DTC Focus on Bethesda, TIRADS Molecular markers ,Hemi versu Total thyroidectomy HCG Ahmedabad Dr Harsh
17-09-2022 Tumour Board Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Miraj Dr Karan
24-09-2022 Journal Club- Pivotal trials in Radioiodine Ablation and therapeutic agents in Radio refractory disease Paras Cancer Centre Dr Shiva
01-10-2022 Management Principles of MTC Vedant Hospital Dr Narayana
08-10-2022 Case Presentation: Salivary gland tumours (discussion to involve work up , pathological classification and grading , principles of management , adjuvant therapy and management of facial nerve) Shree Krishna Hospital, Karamsad , Gujarat Dr Mitali
15-10-2022 Tumour Board Balco Medical Centre (Vedanta medica research foundation) Dr Shiva
29-10-2022 Journal club :Important Publications forsalivary gland tumours - Schmidtmeta-analysis forFNAC/Frozen /Core biopsyAdequate versus Superficial parotidectomy, Adjuvant therapy SRJ CBCC cancer hospital, Indore Dr Aseem
05-11-2022 Holiday (FHNO annual meet)
12-11-2022 Basics of Radiation Principles in Head Neck Cancers Lecture by Radiation Oncologist Dr Karan
19-11-2022 Tumour Board Nadkarni’s 21st Century Hospital Pvt Ltd. Dr Narayana
26-11-2022 Case Presentation – Ca maxilla Focussing on diagnosis, imaging, management principles. Medica Superspeciality Hospital Dr Mitali
03-12-2022 Journal Club – Important publications with respect to Sinonasal Malignancies Neeti clinics Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur Dr Harsh
10-12-2022 Orbit-Anatomy and Management of the Orbit in Sinonasa Malignancies HCG Cancer Center Vadodara Dr Aseem
17-12-2022 Tumour Board Kasturba Medical College and Hospital Dr Smriti
24-12-2022 Review of Uncommon Pathologies of the Sinonasal region Dr. B.L KAPUR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Dr Shiva
31-12-2022 Role of Prosthodontic rehabilitation after Surgery for Oral and Maxillary sinus tumours KAILASH CANCER HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE, MUNI SEVA ASHRAM, GORAJ Dr Karan
07-01-2023 Management of Paragangliomas of the Head Neck Focus on differential diagnosis, imaging findings , management algorithm with evidence from literature MEDANTA - THE MEDICITY Dr Narayana
14-01-2023 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Role of Nuclear Medicine in Head Neck Cancers Lecture by Nuclear Medicine Specialist Dr Harsh
21-01-2023 Tumour Board Shanku Hospitals,Mahesana Dr Shiva
28-01-2023 Role of NACT in Head Neck Cancers ( covering pivotal trials of oral cancer,as well as other Head Neck cancers as a whole , barring Nasopharynx ) HCG Manavata cancer centre Dr Mitali
04-02-2023 Management of Nasopharyngeal Ca CIMS Hospital , Ahmedabad Dr Aseem
11-02-2023 Case Presentation – Oropharyngeal Ca KDAH , Mumbai Dr Smriti
18-02-2023 Journal Club – Oropharyngeal Ca Aster , Malabar Dr Karan
25-02-2023 Important Diagnostic Molecular Markers in Head Neck Lecture by Head Neck pathologist Dr Smriti
04-03-2023 How to read a cancer research paper: Including p value, confidence interval, hazard ratio, forest plot in a meta-analysis, systematic review) Lecture Dr.Shiva
11-03-2023 Salvage Laryngectomy (work up, reconstruction and evidence of complications) HCG Ahmedabad Dr. Smriti
18-03-2023 Parapharyngeal Space: Anatomy, radiology, tumors, and approaches. MVR Cancer Center & Research Institute Dr. Mitali
25-03-2023 Review of varied Pathologies of the Sino nasal region HCG Vadodara Dr. Karan
01-04-2023 Local and Locoregional Flap Reconstruction in Head & Neck Apollo Hospital Navi Apollo Hospital Navi Mumbai Dr. Narayana
08-04-2023 Free Flap Reconstruction in Head and Neck Sterling Hospital, Rajkot Dr. Mitali
15-04-2023 Pain management in head and neck cancers (Pain management in the Palliative setting) Dr. BL KAPUR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Delhi Dr. Aseem
22-04-2023 Management of neck in the Head and neck region: Including patterns of nodal spread, types of neck dissection, pivotal trials for neck dissection. Paras Cancer Center, Patna Dr. Harsh
29-04-2023 Indications of PET CT in head and neck cancers Kasturba Medical College and Hospital, Manipal Dr. Smriti
06-05-2023 Pivotal trials for organ preservation: Long term follow up of outcome measures Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Delhi Dr. Shiva
13-05-2023 Sequel of Radiation Therapy including Osteoradionecrosis/ chondronecrosis and treatment options. Medica Superspeciality Hospital, Kolkata Dr. Karan
20-05-2023 Post Laryngectomy Speech Rehabilitation Max Superspeciality Hospital , Vaishali Dr. Narayana
27-05-2023 Role of chemoprevention in head and neck ( including agents and evidence) Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Miraj Dr. Aseem
03-06-2023 Mandibulectomy: types and Indications (Including comparison between marginal and segmental mandibulectomy) Zydus Cancer Center, Ahmedabad Dr. Harsh
10-06-2023 Radiology in larynx (including preferred modality and anatomical landmarks) Lecture Dr. Mitali
17-06-2023 Tumor Board Neeti Clinics Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur Dr. Shiva
24-06-2023 Radiological landmarks in oral cavity(including preferred modality and anatomical landmarks) Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani hospital & medical research institute, Mumbai Dr. Karan
01-07-2023 Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer: Approach to management and treatment options. HCG-ICS Khubchandani Cancer Center, Mumbai Dr. Smriti
08-07-2023 Radiology in Paranasal Sinuses (including preferred modality and anatomical landmarks) Vedant Hospital, Thane/ Lecture Dr. Narayana
15-07-2023 Infratemporal fossa and masticator space: Anatomy and radiological landmarks Mazumdar Shaw Medical Centre Dr. Harsh
22-07-2023 Sarcomas in head and neck (including presentation, subtypes and treatment options) HCG Manavata Cancer Center Dr. Aseem
29-07-2023 Tumor Board SRJ CBCC Cancer Hospital, Indore Dr. Shiva
05-08-2023 Evidence of targeted therapy in head and neck: Including laryngeal malignancy, recurrent and metastatic head and neck cancers) ASTER Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences Dr. Mitali
12-08-2023 Recurrence in head and neck cancers: Including assessment, criteria for resectability Shanku Hospitals, Mehsana Dr. Smriti
19-08-2023 Skin cancers and their management (Including SCC, BCC) Mazumdar Shaw Medical Centre Dr. Harsh
26-08-2023 Post treatment surveillance in oral cancers: Including follow up schedule, imaging, management of post RT squeal like dental and thyroid assessment MALABAR CANCER CENTER, Kannur, Kerala Dr. Karan
02-09-2023 Tobacco Carcinogenesis and Prevention of Head-neck cancers Kailash Cancer Hospital, Goraj Dr. Aseem Mishra
09-09-2023 AJCC 8 for HNSCC: Major changes Paras Cancer Center Dr. Abhishek Vaidya
16-09-2023 Compartmental approach to resection of oral cancers: Indications, Procedure, Evidence MVR Cancer Centre, Calicut Dr. Harsh Dhar
23-09-2023 Maxillary Defects: Classifications, Reconstruction options, pros and cons Medanta The Medicity, Gurugram Dr. Narayana Subramaniam
30-09-2023 No Lecture: FHNO Exam
07-10-2023 TOLM for glottic and supraglottic cancers: Procedures, Indications, Evidence HCG, Ahmedabad Dr. Mitali Dandekar
Guest Mentor: Prof. Piazza
14-10-2023 Reconstruction for defects of lips and facial skin: Procedures and Selection Vedant Hospital, Thane Dr. Shivakumar Thiagarajan
21-10-2023 Tumour Board: Sinonasal malignancy Shanku Hospitals, Mehsana Dr. Smriti Panda
28-10-2023 Genetic Landscape of thyroid cancers: Pathways and Molecular Tests HCG-ICS, Mumbai Dr. Abhishek Vaidya
04-11-2023 ICC Conference ICC Conference ICC Conference
11-11-2023 Checkpoint Inhibitors: Concept, Mechanism, Evidence in Head-Neck Cancers Medica Superspecialty Hospital, Kolkata Dr. Aseem Mishra
18-11-2023 Carcinoma of EAC: Etiopathogenesis, Staging, Stage-wise treatment HCG, Ahmedabad Dr. Harsh Dhar
25-11-2023 Reconstruction of Mandibular defects: types, indications. Use of CAD-CAM and 3-D printing. Osseointegrated implants. Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Miraj Dr. Sajith Babu
02-12-2023 HPV+ve OPSCC: Pathogenesis, Survivals, Treatment options, De-intesification Zydus Cancer Center, Ahmedabad Dr. Mitali Dandekar
09-12-2023 Glossectomy: types, classification, defects, reconstruction options Neeti Clinics Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur Dr. Narayana Subramaniam
16-12-2023 Laryngeal Conservation Surgeries and NTL: Procedure, Indications, Evidence HCG-ICS, Mumbai Dr. Karan Gupta
Guest Mentor: Prof. Piazza
23-12-2023 No Lecture: FHNO Conference
30-12-2023 Salivary Gland Tumors - Part 1: Etiopathology, MILAN classification, surgical procedures Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital & Medical Research Institute, Mumbai Dr. Abhishek Vaidya
06-01-2024 Salivary Gland Tumors - Part 2: Adjuvant treatment, VII nerve management, targeted therapy ASTER Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences, Calicut Dr. Shiva Thiagarajan
13-01-2024 TORS for oropharyngeal cancer: techniques, limitations, and current evidence. HCG, Vadodara Dr. Karan Gupta
20-01-2024 Altered fractionation regimens :Types, Indications, Evidence in HNSCC. Guest Speaker - Dr Sayan Das, Radiation Oncologist , Medica Cancer Centre Harsh Dhar
27-01-2024 Tumour Board Inviting cases from all Institutes Dr. Smriti Panda
03-02-2024 Diagnostic Work up of Thyroid nodule and Surgical Management Vedant Hospital ,Thane Dr. Aseem Mishra
10-02-2024 Risk stratification and Follow up in DTC (including management of TENIS) HCG-ICS, Mmumbai Dr. Mitali Dandekar
17-02-2024 Oral Potentially Malignant disorders and Adjuncts to Screening Shanku Hospital , Mehsana Dr. Sajith Babu
24-02-2024 Case Presentation -Locally Advanced Oral Cancer Medica Cancer Hospital, Kolkata Dr. Abhishek Vaidya
02-03-2024 Recent changes in 2022 WHO classification of thyroid pathology HCG-ICS Khubchandani Cancer Center, Mumbai, Maharashtra Dr Aseem
09-03-2024 Tumour Board Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani, Hospital And Research Center Dr. Harsh Dhar
16-03-2024 Work up and management of medullary carcinoma thyroid- Role of Genetics Vedant Hospital, Thane Dr Mitali
23-03-2024 Role of targetted therapy in thyroid cancer management HCG-ICS Khubchandani Cancer Center, Mumbai, Maharashtra Dr karan
30-03-2024 Remote access thyroid surgery HCG Cancer Center, Ahmedabad Dr Abhishek
06-04-2024 Tumour Board MVR Cancer Centre & Research Institute, Calicut, Kerala Dr Sajith
13-04-2024 Landmark trials for mandibular preservation Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Miraj Dr Smriti
20-04-2024 Case presentation- Locally advanced laryngeal cancer HCG-ICS Khubchandani Cancer Center, Mumbai, Maharashtra Dr Shiva
27-04-2024 Chemoprevention in oral potentially malignant disorders Shanku Hospitals, Mahesana, Gujarat Dr Narayana
4-05-2024 Management of orbital involvement in PNS malignancy Sterling Hospital, Rajkot Dr Aseem
11-05-2024 Tumour Board medica Superspeciality Hospital, Kolkatta Dr Harsh
18-05-2024 Role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in Head & Neck cancer CIMS Hospital Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad Dr Mitali
25-05-2024 Management of carcinoma of nasopharynx HCG Cancer Center, Ahmedabad Dr karan
01-06-2024 Evaluation of salivary gland neoplasm and role of MILAN system of reporting SRJ CBCC Cancer Hospital, Indore Dr Abhishek
08-06-2024 Tumour Board ASTER Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences, Calicut Dr Sajith
15-06-2024 Evidence for sentinel node biopsy in oral cavity cancer CIMS Hospital, Ahmedabad Dr Smriti
22-06-2024 Indication and role of adjuvant therapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer- Bernier Cooper meta-analysis Medanta - the Medicity, Gururgram, Delhi Dr Shiva
29-06-2024 Case presentation- salivary gland tumour CIMS Hospital Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad Dr Narayana
06-07-2024 Tumour Board Paras Cancer Centre, Patna Dr Aseem
13-07-2024 Role of tumour microenvironment & Margins in head and neck cancer Malabar Cancer Centre, Kannur, Kerala Dr Harsh
20-07-2024 TORS for oropharyngeal cancer: techniques, limitations, and current evidence Apollo Hospital Navi Mumbai, Sector - 23, Mumbai Dr Mitali
27-07-2024 Surgical approaches to paranasal sinus tumours HCG Cancer Center, Ahmedabad Dr karan
03-08-2024 Reconstruction for defects of lips and facial skin: Procedures and Selection Zydus Cancer Center, Ahmedabad Dr Abhishek
10-08-2024 Checkpoint Inhibitors: Concept, Mechanism, Evidence in Head-Neck Cancers Neeti clinics Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur Dr Sajith
17-08-2024 HPV+ve OPSCC: Paras Cancer Centre, Patna Dr Smriti
24-08-2024 TOLM for glottic and HCG ICS Khubchandani Cancer Dr Shiva
31-08-2024 Tumor Board Zydus Cancer Center, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Dr Narayana
07-09-2024 Carcinoma of EAC: Etiopathogenesis, Staging, Stage-wise treatment CIMS Hospital Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad Dr Aseem
14-09-2024 Management of Paragangliomas of the Head and Neck HCG Cancer Center, Ahmedabad Dr Harsh
21-09-2024 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Role of Nuclear Medicine in Head Neck Cancers MNM Virani Wockhardt Hospital, Rajkot Dr Mitali
28-09-2024 Tumor Board Kokilaben dhirubhai ambani hospital & medical research institute, Mumbai Dr karan
05-10-2024 Evidence based management of HPV negative Oropharyngeal cancer medica Superspeciality Hospital, Kolkatta Dr Abhishek
12-10-2024 carcinoma of Unknown Primary- Diagnosis & Management HCG Manavata cancer centre, Nashik Dr Sajith
19-10-2024 FHNO
26-10-2024 Tumor Board Max Superspeciality Hospital, Ghaziabad, Vaishali Dr Shiva
02-11-2024 Important Diagnostic molecular markers in Oral cancer HCG ICS Khubchandani Cancer Center, Mumbai Dr Narayana
09-11-2024 Glossectomy: types, classification, defects, reconstruction options Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai Dr Aseem
16-11-2024 Imaging in Oral Cancer Malabar Cancer Centre, Kannur, Kerala Dr Harsh
23-11-2024 Tumour Board Shree Krishna Hospital, Karamsad, Gujarat Dr Mitali
30-11-2024 Maxillary Defects: Classifications, Reconstruction options, pros and cons Shanku Hospitals, Mahesana, Gujarat Dr karan
07-12-2024 Journal Club: Evidence for Adjuvant Radiotherapy in oral cancer Vedant Hospital, Thane Dr Abhishek
14-12-2024 Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in oral cancer ASTER Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences, Calicut Dr Smriti
21-12-2024 Pain management in head and neck cancers (Pain management in the Palliative setting Medanta - the Medicity, Gururgram, Delhi Dr Sajith
28-12-2024 Osteoradionecrosis Nadkarni’s 21st Century Hospital Pvt Ltd. Dr Shiva
04-01-2025 Case Discussion: Early Oral Cancer Paras Cancer Center Dr Gurucharan
11-01-2025 Journal Club evidence for END in early oral cancer HCG, Ahmedabad Dr. Mitali
18-01-2025 Tumour Board Medanta - the Medicity, Gururgram Dr.Ameya Bihani
25-01-2025 Lecture History and Basic Principles of Head and Neck Surgery Rajkot Cancer Society Dr.Smriti
01-02-2025 Case Discussion Advanced Oral Cancer HCG, Vadodara Dr.Karan
08-02-2025 Journal Club Evidence for SNB Balco Medical Center, Raipur Dr.Narayana
15-02-2025 Journal Club: Evidence for Adjuvant RT/CRT NM Virani Wockhardt Hospital, Rajkot Dr. Aseem
22-02-2025 Lecture Epidemiology, Etiology an Pathology of Head and Neck Cancers Shanku Hospitals, Mahesana Dr.Smriti
01-03-2025 Tumour Board Himalaya Cancer Hospital, Vadodara Dr.Aseem Mishra
08-03-2025 Case Discussion Premalignant conditions Dr. B.L KAPUR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Delhi Dr.Gurucharan
15-03-2025 Lecture Nutrition Kohlapur Cancer Centre, Kohlapur Dr.Narayana
22-03-2025 Lecture Biostatistics Basics Neeti clinics Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur Dr. Abhishek Vaidya
29-03-2025 Journal Club Role of NACT in Oral Cancers Max superspeciality hospital, Vaishali Dr.Harsh
05-04-2025 Case Discussion Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Mazumdar Shaw Medical Centre Dr. Smriti
12-04-2025 Lecture Radiology in Oral Cancers HCG Manavata cancer centre Dr. Aseem
19-04-2025 Tumour Board Dr. B.L KAPUR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Delhi Dr.Sajith Babu
26-04-2025 Journal Club Evidence for Management of CUP ASTER Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences Dr.Mitali
03-05-2025 Salivary gland tumours (discussion to involve work up , pathological classification and grading , principles of management , adjuvant therapy and management of facial nerve Shree Krishna Hospital, Karamsad , Gujarat Dr Ameya Bihani
10-05-2025 Basics of Radiation Principles in Head Neck Cancers Lecture by Radiation Oncologist Dr Karan
17-05-2025 Role of Prosthodontic rehabilitation after Surgery for Oral and Maxillary sinus tumours Kiran Multi-specialty Hospital, Surat Dr Guru Caran
24-05-2025 How to read a cancer research paper: Including p value, confidence interval, hazard ratio, forest plot in a meta-analysis, systematic review) Lecture Dr.Shiva
31-05-2025 Tumour Board Nadkarni’s 21st Century Hospital Pvt Ltd. Dr Narayana
07-06-2025 Local and Locoregional Flap Reconstruction in Head & Neck Tieten Medicity, Thane Dr. Abhishek Vaidya
14-06-2025 Free Flap Reconstruction in Head and Neck Speciality Surgical Oncology, Mumbai Dr. Mitali
21-06-2025 Pain management in head and neck cancers (Pain management in the Palliative setting) HCG Mumbai Dr. Aseem
28-06-2025 Management of neck in oral cancer: Including patterns of nodal spread, types of neck dissection, pivotal trials for neck dissection. HN Reliance Hospital, Mumbai Dr. Harsh
05-07-2025 Indications of PET CT in head and neck cancers Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani hospital & medical research institute, Mumbai Dr. Smriti
12-07-2025 Sequel of Radiation Therapy including Osteoradionecrosis/ chondronecrosis and treatment options. Medica Superspeciality Hospital, Kolkata Dr. Karan
19-07-2025 Role of chemoprevention in oral cancer ( including agents and evidence) Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Miraj Dr. Sajith Babu
26-07-2025 Mandibulectomy: types and Indications (Including comparison between marginal and segmental mandibulectomy) Zydus Cancer Center, Ahmedabad Dr. Narayana
02-08-2025 Tumor Board HCG Indore Dr. Shiva
09-08-2025 Radiological landmarks in oral cavity(including preferred modality and anatomical landmarks) Vedant Hospital, Thane Dr. Karan
16-08-2025 Infratemporal fossa and masticator space: Anatomy and radiological landmarks MALABAR CANCER CENTER, Kannur, Kerala Dr. Harsh
23-08-2025 Sarcomas in head and neck (including presentation, subtypes and treatment options) HCG, Ahmedabad Dr. Aseem
30-08-2025 Recurrent OSCC: Including assessment, criteria for resectability Shanku Hospitals, Mehsana Dr. Smriti
06-09-2025 Skin cancers and their management (Including SCC, BCC) Mazumdar Shaw Medical Centre Dr. Abhishek Vaidya
13-09-2025 Post treatment surveillance in oral cancers: Including follow up schedule, imaging, management of post RT squeal like dental and thyroid assessment Paras Cancer Center, Patna Dr Gurucharan
20-09-2025 Tobacco Carcinogenesis and Prevention of Head-neck cancers NM Virani Wockhardt Hospital, Rajkot Dr. Shiva
27-09-2025 Tumor Board Kohlapur Cancer Centre, Kohlapur Dr. Mitali
04-10-2025 AJCC 8 for HNSCC: Major changes Tieten Medicity, Thane Dr. Harsh Dhar
11-10-2025 Compartmental approach to resection of oral cancers: Indications, Procedure, Evidence Himalaya Cancer Hospital, Vadodara Dr. Sajith Babu
18-10-2025 Maxillary and Mandibular Defects: Classifications, Reconstruction options, pros and cons Medanta The Medicity, Gurugram Dr. Narayana
25-10-2025 Reconstruction for defects of lips and facial skin: Procedures and Selection Medica Superspeciality Hospital, Kolkata Dr.Aseem
01-11-2025 Reconstruction of Mandibular defects: types, indications. Use of CAD-CAM and 3-D printing. Osseointegrated implants. Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Miraj Dr. Karan
08-11-2025 Glossectomy: types, classification, defects, reconstruction options Neeti Clinics Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur Dr. Ameya Bihani
15-11-2025 Tumour Board ASTER Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences Dr. Harsh Dhar
22-11-2025 Oral Potentially Malignant disorders and Adjuncts to Screening Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani hospital & medical research institute, Mumbai Dr. Abhishek Vaidya
29-11-2025 Osteoradionecrosis Zydus Cancer Center, Ahmedabad Dr Smriti
06-12-2025 Chemoprevention in oral potentially malignant disorders Shree Krishna Hospital, Karamsad , Gujarat Dr Gurucharan
13-12-2025 Indication and role of adjuvant therapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer- Bernier Cooper meta-analysis HN Reliance Hospital, Mumbai Dr Mitali
20-12-2025 Role of tumour microenvironment & Margins in head and neck cancer Speciality Surgical Oncology, Mumbai Dr Karan
27-12-2025 Important Diagnostic molecular markers in Oral cancer Rajkot Cancer Society Dr Sajith Babu

Contact Details of members:

Name Mobile Email
Dr Aseem 8080611946 draseemmishra@gmail.com
Dr Dushyant 9727154661 d.mandlik@yahoo.com
Dr Harsh 9757323446 xavodoc2003@gmail.com
Dr Karan 8141249974 guptakaran86@gmail.com
Dr Narayana 9663794567 narayana.subramaniam@gmail.com
Dr Mitali 9820828189 mitalidandekar@gmail.com
Dr Shiva 9846572399 drshiva78in@gmail.com
Dr Smriti 9717827306 smriti.panda.87@gmail.com
Dr Abhishek Vaidya 8552881188 abhishek.d.vaidya@gmail.com
Dr Sajith Babu 8921968288 drsajith@gmail.com