The examination will include following subsites and modalities of head and neck (the subsites marked with “only for HN Oncology” will not be part of Oral Oncology module)
Eyelid and Orbit
Nasal cavity and Paranasal sinuses
Skull base
Lips and Oral Cavity
Nasopharynx, Hypopharynx & oesophagus (only for HN Oncology)
Larynx and Trachea (only for HN Oncology)
Cervical Lymph nodes
Thyroid and Parathyroid (only for HN Oncology)
Salivary Glands
Neurogenic Tumours and Paragangliomas
Soft tissue tumours
Bone and Odontogenic Tumours
Reconstructive Surgery
Maxillofacial prosthesis and implants
Radiation Oncology
The examination will evaluate mainly following areas:
Exit exam – Rules and Regulations
The candidate must be a life member of FHNO to be eligible to appear in examination
The candidate must remain present at the venue at given reporting time
The candidate must complete entire examination process
Candidate should bring own writing material (pen, pencil etc.)
Candidate must bring a valid ID and a self-attested copy of same
All rules of examination decided by FHNO Institutional Fellowship Committee must be followed
In all disputes, final decision by FHNO Institutional Fellowship committee will be final and binding
Marking and passing:
Candidate must complete all modules of exam to be eligible for evaluation
Candidate must pass theory and practical exam individually
The candidate must score minimum 50% marks in both heads to pass the exam
Only the candidate passing the exam will get Fellowship completion certificate
Exit Exam Detailed Format:
Table 1
Radiology and Specimen
Total Marks :50
Imaging modalities: OPG, CT, MRI, PET, Sistamibi, DOTA etc.
Specimen: Physical and Photographs
Table 2
Instruments and Surgeries (physical, photos and chits)
Total marks: 50
Total cases: 10
Total marks: 100
Common for HN and Oral 7 cases. Specific for HN and Oral last 3 cases.
Total marks: 100 (50 for MCQ +50 for Short Notes)
MCQ based questions : 25 (2 marks each)
Out of 25, 5 MCQs will be specific to HN Oncology / Oral Oncology
Short notes: 5 (10 marks each)
Out of 5, 2 short notes will be specific to HN Oncology / Oral Oncology
Internal Evaluation:
Total marks: 50
Evaluation of Log book, Academics, Publications and Presentations